ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management (CPD route)
The Level 5 Certificate is suitable for an individual who has a large span of management responsibilities, or those with prior experience in a managerial role who is seeking to develop their skills, improve personal and team performance and be prepared for senior management responsibilities.
The ideal candidate will develop their ability to lead, motivate and inspire to drive better results within their organisation.
The single unit for this certificate course is entitled ‘Managing your own Professional Development’.
In this unit, you will develop, work on and evaluate your own personal development plan. You will write monthly reflections on your progress and, at the end, evaluate what you have learned and how it has impacted you and your organisation, before resetting your plan for the future.
As part of the process, you need to agree your CPD Plan with both your coach and your line manager.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• review personal and work related development experiences, aims, objectives and priorities.
• undertake and evaluate planned development activities.
• review and reflect on learning and its effect on workplace performance.
Unit Details
The single unit for this certificate course is entitled ‘Managing your own Professional Development’. Successful completion of this unit will enable you to take responsibility for managing your own development.
Credit Value
15 Credits (Certificate)
6 months (Certificate)
Attendance Method
Online delivery, featuring executive coaching and tutor support.
- One module. Managing own continuing professional development.
- 7 x 1-2-1 tuition sessions – monthly (MS Teams or Zoom)
£1750 + VAT (£2100 incl. VAT) (Certificate)
*an instalment payment arrangement is available for self-funding students
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements, but participants will normally be either practising or aspiring middle managers who are serious about developing their abilities.
What are the learning activities?
Each unit involves a number of learning activities which may include:
- Online learning
- Monthly tutorial sessions with your personal tutor
- Practical work based assignments
- Regular feedback from your tutor and the assessment team
All students are provided with studying membership of the Institute of Leadership & Management or Chartered Management Institute (CMI) for the duration of their course.
Benefits for the learner
- Use core management techniques to drive better results.
- Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire.
- Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management.
- Benchmark your managerial skills.
- Develop your capabilities in a way that is tailored to your needs.
- Raise your profile in your organisation.
Benefits for the organisation
- Strategic thinking at this level of management to foster business improvements.
- Engagement with training and development
- Effective and confident middle managers
- Managers with the tools to develop their own skills and abilities.
For information on any aspect of the programme or to make an application, contact 0845 890 2549 or email
The single unit for this ILM Level 5 Certificate course is entitled ‘Managing your own Professional Development’.
Successful completion of this unit will enable you to take responsibility for managing your own development.
You will be asked to:
- evaluate your prior learning and work-related experience to identify personal strengths and weaknesses in self-development.
- assess your personal development aims, objectives and priorities for the long, medium and short term.
- evaluate development opportunities for the long, medium and short term.
- justify undertaking planned personal development activities to your employment and learning supervisors.
- negotiate and undertake planned and resources development activities.
- evaluate the effectiveness of the development activities in meeting personal aims, objectives and priorities.
- critically review how learning and development has been applied in the workplace to improve your own or others’ performance.
- review and revise short, medium and long-term goals based upon personal development activities and their impact on the workplace.
The learning is designed to increase your understanding and stimulate your own insights into leadership and management as it relates to your own situation, circumstances and preferences, in order to enhance your performance and that of your organisation.
You will be asked to explore the following, through critical comparison of your own performance against existing feedback and external sources:
- your performance as a manager
- your knowledge base
- the requirements of your role and / or profession
- your leadership style
- your learning preferences
Assignment and 1-2-1 Coaching
Your course of study will highlight key questions for you to consider in relation to your own practice.
You will be provided with an assignment template which will ask you to design and agree a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plan and will also act as a repository for your ongoing thoughts and reflections. You are asked to submit this at regular intervals for feedback from your coach.
You will reflect on the progress of your plan through the remainder of the course, not just in your assignment but also in your monthly tutorials with your coach. This will provide ongoing opportunities to review your learning and to discuss any issues that arise from it.
Your reflections with your coach will include:
- What learning did I undertake?
- What did I like?
- What did I learn?
- How has this changed the way I do things, or how will it change them?
- What differences has it made, to me, those around me and my organisation?
The purpose of the tutorials is to support your learning and your personal and professional growth and development. You may also wish to use some of this time to talk through the progress of your CPD activities and any issues and challenges facing you in your professional life.
At the end of this unit, you will submit your finalised assignment. This will incorporate all the work you have undertaken over the duration of the course, including your initial review, your ongoing reflections and the final evaluation of your progress and achievements.
Programme duration and costs
The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management can normally be completed within 6 months, although timescales can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Course fees are £1500 + VAT (£1800 incl. VAT)*.
*An instalment payment plan is available to self-funding students.
Course start dates are agreed on an individual basis.
Library and additional resources available to you
As part of your studies, you will be provided with access to a library of resources and materials relating to each Unit of the qualification.
This includes a comprehensive list of all the learning resources that you will have been signposted to during the eLearning for each Unit. We understand that you may wish to return to articles, web-links etc. so this should help you locate them more easily than searching on individual content pages.
These resources are provided in addition to the many resources you will be able to access through the ILM and CMI websites >find out more about ILM and CMI resources
Leadership resource example texts, research and insights available to you to help support and develop your studies.
- Action Centred Leadership
- Leadership That Gets Results
- Theory X and Theory Y
- Optimal Motivation
- Situational Leadership
- Psychological Contract
- Handling Conflict Situations
Project Resources
- What is the Iron Triangle?
- Project Initiation Document
- Business Case Document
- Henry Laurence Gantt : The Gantt Chart
- Controlling a Budget
- Conducting a Risk Assessment for Projects
- Institute of Leadership & Management – Leading Projects
- Association of Project Management – Tools and Resources
Finance Resources
- Four Global Management Accounting Principles
- Smart Objectives
- Creating a Corporate Mission Statement
- Business Ratios
- Cash Flow for the small business
- Drawing up a Budget
- Controlling Costs
Coaching Resources
- Coaching and Mentoring Contract
- Coaching is a Key Skill for Managers
- The Grow Model
- OSCAR Model of Coaching
- Being Open and Empathic
- Ensuring Clear Communication
- Creating a Coaching Culture
- RAM Model of Coaching Evaluation
- Kirkpatrick’s Evaluation of Training Model
- Devising an Individual Coaching Programme
Change Management Resources
- Switched on to Innovation
- UK’s Woolworth’s Retail Chain: End of a Long Journey
- Why do people oppose change?
- The Drivers of Change
- Force Field Analysis
- An Introduction to Planning
- Communication & Involvement
- Overcoming negativity and resistance to change
- Assessing your Change Management Performance
- Mapping an Effective Change Programme
- Implementing an Effective Change Programme
- Change Management Plan
ILM Level 5 Certificate Leadership & Management (CPD route)
One unit (Managing your own CPD), lasting six months, in which students work with their coach on their own personal and organisational development agenda.
The process involves:
- Self and organisational analysis
- Identification of personal and organisational development objectives
- Setting a personal development plan
- Individual monthly coaching sessions
- Access to broad range of leadership and management learning materials
- Monthly reflective reviews
- Final evaluation
Programme duration and costs
The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Leadership & Management can normally be completed within 6 months, although timescales can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Course fees are £1500+ VAT (£1800 incl. VAT).
The ILM Level 5 Diploma in Leadership & Management can normally be completed within 12 months, again timescales can be adjusted to suit individual needs. Course fees are £2,250+VAT (£2700 incl. VAT) >find out more here
An instalment payment plan is available to self-funding students.
Course start dates are agreed on an individual basis.
What’s next?
The ILM Level 5 Certificate and Diploma are prestigious qualifications in their own right. They can provide students with up to 60 credits at Level 5, which equates to year 2 of a Bachelors degree. They can be used as at a number of UK universities.
Successful completion of these qualifications also provides eligibility for membership of the Institute of Leadership & Management stepping stone into an ILM Level 7 qualification or an undergraduate degree at a number of UK universities.
Successful completion of these qualifications also provides eligibility for membership of the Institute of Leadership & Management.